March 29th through the 31st, 2019
Our President, Dan Barnett and Vice President, Denise Felice, will be attending the "Unrig the System Summit" conference in Nashville from March 29th through the 31st. It is hosted by “Represent Us”. Unrig and Represent Us have the same goals as Citizens Congress, representative government free of corruption. There will be more than100 speakers over the three-day conference including sitting Congressmen from both sides of the aisle. Like Citizens Congress, this is a completely non-partisan effort to obtain the government we deserve, one that equally represents all Americans.
You can tune into “Unrig the System” and watch the live feeds to join in for free. To support Citizens Congress please visit our website Citizens Congress Inc to learn more. Also, read our book, “Citizens Congress, Common Sense for the Twenty-First Century” available on Amazon. On Facebook, like us, share us, and follow us. Please consider a donation to help spread the message that we can restructure Congress to give an equal voice to all Americans.
Congress is broken, we can fix this.
March 21st, 2019
Our President will be speaking at the Lake Worth City Library in Lake Worth Florida at 8:15 p.m. The subject will be on the strategy that will be used to pass the Citizens Congress Amendment to the Constitution. The public is invited to this inspiring free event.
February 2nd through the 4th, 2018
Our founder Dan Barnett will be attending the "Unrig the System Summit" conference in New Orleans this weekend (February 2-4). It is hosted by “Represent Us”. Unrig and Represent Us have the same goals as Citizens Congress, representative government free of corruption. There will be 100 speakers over the three-day conference including two sitting Congressmen (1 democrat and 1 republican) and two retired Congressmen (also one from each party). Like Citizens Congress, this is a completely non-partisan effort to obtain the government we deserve, one that equally represents all Americans.
You can tune into “Unrig the System” and watch the live feeds to join in for free. To support Citizens Congress please visit our website Citizens Congress Inc to learn more. Also, read “Citizens Congress” available on Amazon. On Facebook, like us, share us, and follow us. Please consider a donation to help spread the message that we can restructure Congress to give an equal voice to all Americans.
Congress is broken. We can fix this.